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Sync from Host to Virtual

Declare which host resources you want to sync to the virtual cluster.

vCluster can sync certain resources purely from host to make them available inside the vCluster. This is useful if you only want to view certain resources in read-only mode, but not want the users inside the vCluster to change them.

A good example would be nodes, which are nice to view inside the vCluster and can be also used to enabled certain features such as scheduling inside the vCluster, but you wouldn't want your vCluster to change the node itself. Another benefit of purely syncing from host is that vCluster itself will only require read-only RBAC permissions.

vCluster also allows to sync custom resources via the custom resource definitions syncer

Enabled by Default​

Disabled by Default​

Config reference​

fromHost required object pro​

Configure what resources vCluster should sync from the host cluster to the virtual cluster.

nodes required object pro​

Nodes defines if nodes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.

enabled required boolean false pro​

Enabled specifies if syncing real nodes should be enabled. If this is disabled, vCluster will create fake nodes instead.

syncBackChanges required boolean false pro​

SyncBackChanges enables syncing labels and taints from the virtual cluster to the host cluster. If this is enabled someone within the virtual cluster will be able to change the labels and taints of the host cluster node.

clearImageStatus required boolean false pro​

ClearImageStatus will erase the image status when syncing a node. This allows to hide images that are pulled by the node.

selector required object pro​

Selector can be used to define more granular what nodes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster.

all required boolean false pro​

All specifies if all nodes should get synced by vCluster from the host to the virtual cluster or only the ones where pods are assigned to.

labels required object {} pro​

Labels are the node labels used to sync nodes from host cluster to virtual cluster. This will also set the node selector when syncing a pod from virtual cluster to host cluster to the same value.

events required object pro​

Events defines if events should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.

enabled required boolean true pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

ingressClasses required object pro​

IngressClasses defines if ingress classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.

enabled required boolean false pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

runtimeClasses required object pro​

RuntimeClasses defines if runtime classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.

enabled required boolean false pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

priorityClasses required object pro​

PriorityClasses defines if priority classes classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.

enabled required boolean false pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

storageClasses required object pro​

StorageClasses defines if storage classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.

enabled required string|boolean auto pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

csiNodes required object pro​

CSINodes defines if csi nodes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.

enabled required string|boolean auto pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

csiDrivers required object pro​

CSIDrivers defines if csi drivers should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.

enabled required string|boolean auto pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

csiStorageCapacities required object pro​

CSIStorageCapacities defines if csi storage capacities should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.

enabled required string|boolean auto pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

customResources required {key: object} pro​

CustomResources defines what custom resources should get synced read-only to the virtual cluster from the host cluster. vCluster will automatically add any required RBAC to the vCluster cluster role.

enabled required boolean pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.