Retrieve Runner Access Key
You can retrieve the runner access key via this api
Example Runner Access Key
An example Runner Access Key:
accessKey: the-returned-access-key
kind: RunnerAccessKey
creationTimestamp: null
Runner Access Key Reference
required string pro
AccessKey is the access key used by the runner
required string proRunner Access Key (Get)
You can retrieve the runner access key via this api.
- kubectl
- curl
Run the following command:
# Exchange my-object in the url below with the name of the Runner Access Key
kubectl get --raw "/kubernetes/management/apis/"
Run the following curl command:
# Exchange my-object in the url below with the name of the Runner Access Key
curl -s -X GET --insecure \
"https://$LOFT_DOMAIN/kubernetes/management/apis/" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_KEY"